Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Knowing God's will

Today, a friend shared with me his view of God's will. He said (not his exact words, but my interpretation), "I used to think that to know God's will means to find out what God what you to do and do it. But actually, knowing God's will means that you study His Word and keep close to Him. Then when the time comes, He will tell you what to do. When Joseph was in prison, he had no idea that he was going to be the Prime Minister of Egypt. He just walk with the Lord, even in adverse circumstances, and eventually, God called him for his life task."
At the same time, my pastor preached on Psalm 142, which was a psalm of David at his low point. Then I realize that unlike Joseph, David knew that he was going to be king at this point. And like any true child of God, he cried to the Lord in his distress.
So we may (like David) or may not (like Joseph) know the exact path that God want us to go, but we can always live day by day in close communion with God and we will not be lost.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Jackie Chan thinks that Chinese need to be controlled

Action star Jackie Chan (成龍) said on Saturday at the annual Boao Forum (海南博鰲論壇) that he is not sure if a free society is a good thing for China. He starts to think that "we Chinese need to be controlled."

That is why in colonial times, Shanghai has a park which said "Dogs and Chinese are not allowed". They both need to be put on a lease. Thank you, Jackie. Now the angmohs will feel justified.