Thursday, March 31, 2011

Six Blind Men of Hindustan

So six blind men of Hindustan
disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
exceeding stiff and strong;
Though each was partly in the right,
they all were in the wrong!

Many people like to quote the story of the blind men and the elephant to conclude that we are just like the blind men attempting to explain the Divine, which is just too huge to be grasped.

But this is not the issue. Most of us would acknowledge that we are blind, which is why we follow the teachings of the wise men who claim to see and started religions. The problem now is that those who claim to see are telling us different things. Now we who are blind are confused. Since we are blind, how can we conclude that the wise men are also blind?

All the wise men of Religion
Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha,
Each claimed to able to see
and we who are blind are not on par;
Do we dare to declare them also blind,
Since their opinions are apart so far!

But among the wise men, there is One who claimed that He is more than Man. He is actually from Heaven and thus qualified to tell us all about Heaven.

No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven. (John 3:13 NLT)

So what shall we do? Should we acknowledge our blindness and follow Him, or should we claim that we can see and follow the other wise men?

Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, "We are not blind too, are we?" Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains." (John 9:40-41 NASB)

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