Friday, January 11, 2013

The Dead Watch and The Living Cell

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1:20 NASB)

The Watch
Everyone knows that the watch cannot be evolved. No matter how many billion years you give "Nature", "Nature" cannot make a watch. The simple reason is there is no mechanism for the watch to be made by "Nature". The watch is too primitive. It does not respond to outside stimuli and cannot reproduce. Because it is so primitive, only Man, with intelligence and purpose can produce it. It is too primitive for mindless and purposeless "Nature" to make.

The Cell
The living cell can be pictured as a "large bustling hugely complicated city that is occupied by micro-machines. And these micro-machines really are the heart of life, these micro-machines, which are the envy of nano-technologist all the world over are self-directed, powerful, precise accurate devices that are made up of strings of amino acids. And these micro-machines power how a cell moves. They power how a cell replicates. They power our hearts. They power our minds." (Quoted from this TED video, "David Bolinsky: Visualizing the wonder of a living cell")

The cell responds to outside stimuli and can reproduce. Its genes adapt to its surroundings and reproduce cells that are slightly different from itself. Using this ability, cells can evolve and adapt. The original cell was made from complex carbon-based molecules probably by a series of physical and chemical processes that have yet to be correctly identified, but believed to be possible by faith. Man, with all the intelligence he possessed, cannot, until today, make a living cell (because the processes are yet to be identified). Because the cell is so advanced, only mindless and purposeless "Nature" can produce it.

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