Monday, May 30, 2016

The Coming of Isa the Messiah

We have another article from the same blog on the coming of the Muslim Christ.

CharacteristicIsa in IslamFalse Prophet in Christianity
PositionSubordinate to al-Mahdi. Lower in status than al-Mahdi. Help al-Mahdi achieve his goals.Subordinate to Antichrist. Lower in status than Antichrist. Help Antichrist achieve his goals.
FunctionA prominent religious leader. Helps al-Mahdi institute Islam over world. All other religions will be abolished.A prominent religious leader. Helps Antichrist institute world religion over world. No other religion allowed.
ReligionDirect people to worship AllahDirect people to worship “dragon”
LawsHelp al-Mahdi to institute Shari’a Law and Islamic calendarHelp Antichrist to change laws and times
BehaviorWill claim to be the real Jesus, and act like him. Lying allowed under certain circumstances according to Sunnah of Muhammad.Horns like a lamb (exercises authority like Jesus), speak like a dragon (lies and leading people astray and away from God)
ChristianityWill abolish ChristianityWill direct all to follow Antichrist and his religion.
ProselytizationWill persuade many Christians to become MuslimsWill lead many astray from Jesus and God of the Bible. There will be a great falling away (the Great Apostasy) in the End Times.
PersecutionPersecutes and kills Jews and ChristiansPersecutes and kills Jews and Christians who refuse to follow Antichrist and him
MiraclesAs a prophet, will possibly be able to perform miraclesPerforms astounding miracles
“Mark of the Beast”A beast will mark the Muslims on the forehead to distinguish from non-Muslims.Institute the mark on the forehead or right hand so that only those who have the mark can buy and sell.
SlayerIsa will kill ad-Dajjal.Antichrist will kill the Two Witnesses.


We have examined in detail what the Islamic hadiths say about the coming apocalyptic character of Isa, which is the Muslim version of Jesus. The descriptions are of course very different from that of Jesus of the Bible. We also compared Isa with another apocalyptic character mentioned in the Bible, namely the second beast of Revelations 13, also nicknamed the "False Prophet". We see very important similarities between these two characters. The many anti-parallels between Isa and the False Prophets forces us to conclude that the coming Isa in Islam corresponds to the "False Prophet" in the Bible.

However, Isa is not the only character that has a counterpart in the Bible. There are two other characters that have an amazing correspondence in the Bible. Just as al-Mahdi, Isa and ad-Dajjal are three characters that are very important in the End Times in Islam, similarly, the Antichrist, the Second Beast and the Two Witnesses are also very important characters in the End Times in the Bible.

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