Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ancestor Worship and Buddhism

Ancestor Worship and Buddhism are basically incompatible. If Ancestor Worship is true, then Buddhism must be false and vice versa. If Buddhism is true, then reincarnation is true. Then your ancestors were already reborn as something or someone, your worship is meaningless. It may even be ridiculous. Consider the chicken that may be offered to the ancestors. It could be your own great grandfather now reborn as a bird. Now you have the chicken killed and offered the chicken, which is also your great grandfather, to himself. But yet many altars in Chinese homes have Kuan-yin and the Ancestor Tablets side by side.

This is the Chinese people's religious tolerance, or should I day, religious apathy. They are interested only in Face and Money. They do not seek the truth. For this reason, China has technology, but no science.

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