Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Communism - how it may be revived

With the income gap between the rich and poor getting wider, could communism, the discredited ideology of mass struggle be revived? One possible way is to return to the fundamentals, i.e. return to Karl Marx. About 20 years ago at the Library in University of Essex, I read an article in a magazine, published, I think, by the British Communist Party. The author of this article argued that Soviet Union and China were not true communist countries. Rather, they were State Capitalist. So the democracies were Private Capitalist, exploiting their workers, Soviet Union and China were State Capitalist, exploiting their workers and without the rights associated with democracies. The workers in State Capitalist had a worse deal. I could not believe my eyes. In one stroke, the author exonerate communism from all its ill. So no communist state has been created yet, and communism has not been proven wrong. Following this line of argument to its logical conclusion, communism can be repackaged by stripping it of Lenin, Stalin and Mao, leaving only Marx and Engel, and we have the a revived communism - Fundamentalist Communism.

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