Friday, November 14, 2008

In Christ, salvation is guaranteed

The minimum guarantee of any true Christian: eternal life in Heaven (Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Romans 10:13, Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, 1 John 2:2). This is not a Lehman Brothers mini-bond guarantee. There are no small prints.

No other religion has offered this guarantee. No other religion can offer this guarantee legally and morally. They all teach you that a good man goes to Heaven and a wicked man goes to Hell. But what is "good"? What is the KPI (Key Performance Indicator)? How much "good" is needed? No religion state this clearly. Every good Human Resource Manager knows that performance is not exact science and how difficult it is to judge someone's performance. Those who do good works to earn merit to heaven just have to hope that their god or gods that he/she/it/they are a better or more perfect judge than the fallible Human Resource Manager.

I have asked a Muslim if he is going to Heaven when he dies. He replied, "Allah knows". He does not know. Nobody knows. Except the true Christian who believed in the Word of God.

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