Friday, November 21, 2008

Patience or Approval?

Divorce is allowed in Moses’s Law (Deuteronomy 24:1). Because it is in the Law of Moses, the Jews reasoned that God approved divorce. But God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). From the beginning God did not intend it to be that way, but for the hardness of men's heart, He wrote them this precept. (Matthew 19:8). God showed His great patience with men by regulating their sins, such as adultery (in polygamy and divorce laws), slavery and war in Moses’s Law.

So how are we to know what is approved of God, and what is allowed and regulated because of His great mercy and patience? We can look back at the Ten Commandments and how our Lord Jesus interpret them (Matthew 5:21-22, 5:27-28). You will soon realize how exacting the demands of God are and how impossible it is for you to fulfill the Law. And you will also realize how much you need a Saviour, or you will have to face the wrath of this God, when His mercy and patience end and His justice begin.

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