Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Glory To God - Antidote To Pride

Yesterday, we had a company meeting and my boss wanted to tell us to not to get angry easily. He describe his own experience at the Maxwell Market as an example.

There was once when he was at the market and someone just bought food from a stall. This person did not look at where he was going and hit my boss and spilled the food on his shirt. Of course my boss had to right to be angry, but instead on being angry to this very apologetic man, he bought for him the lunch that was spilled, literally demonstrating what many Christians fail to do, going the extra mile.

But being a Buddhist, my boss's good works would only reflect on himself. He just shows how good a person he is. While he is not a proud person (he preceded this talk by confessing some mistakes he made), I realized that how impossible it is for men not to feel some pride (even a little bit) when one does good.

I am so glad that whenever I do something good, it is not of me, but my God enables me, for the sake of His glory.

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