Saturday, July 13, 2019

Reincarnation Not Provable

The problem with reincarnation is twofold:
  1. we have, as of yet, no way to verify it prospectively in an objective manner
  2. we have no mechanism to explain how reincarnation might occur.
For Buddhism to be true, Buddhist karma needs to be true.
For Buddhist karma to be true, reincarnation must be true.
Since reincarnation is not provable, Buddhist karma cannot be proven, therefore, Buddhism is a big scam waiting to be exposed.

China is already exposing Buddhism as a scam. China requires all high-ranking Lamas to have a permit to reincarnate under 國家宗教事務局令第5號 - 藏傳佛教活佛轉世管理辦法. What kind of rubbish is this? Can China legislate karma?

Because of China, Dalai Lama said he may not reincarnate and declared reincarnation as "not important". What kind of rubbish is this? Can Dalai Lama control karma? Is this Dalai Lama really the 14th reincarnation in the first place? Can he prove it?

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