Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Unbelief - The Greatest Sin

Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation: (Psalm 78:22 KJV)

Which is a greatest sin, being unfilial, murder, adultery, theft, lies or covetousness? None of these are the greatest sin. The greatest sin is the root of all sins, unbelief.

In the perfect world which Adam was born into, he could not commit any of these sins. He had no parents to be unfilial to, no other human other than his wife to murder, adultery is impossible, everything belonged to him so there is no need to steal or covet. He had not commit any sin so he did not need to lie to cover up. But he committed the greatest of all sin, the sin that caused all the other sins to appear. He did not believe in God.

Unbelief is also the only sin that Jesus cannot save you from.

Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:26 CSB)

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