Monday, October 29, 2012

God Is Not the Author of Sin

This website gives Jonathan Edwards anology of the sun to explain why God is not the author of sin.

"If the sun were the proper cause of cold and darkness," he says, "it would be the fountain of these things, as it is the fountain of light and heat: and then something might be argued from the nature of cold and darkness, to a likeness of nature in the sun.” In other words, “sin is not the fruit of any positive agency or influence of the most High, but on the contrary, arises from the withholding of his action and energy, and under certain circumstances, necessarily follows on the want of his influence."

When the sun is blocked, it becomes cold and dark. Likewise when God is disobeyed, sin prevails. We do not blame the sun for cold and darkness; neither can we blame God for sin.

Then come the next question. I cannot blame the sun. Although it may be powerful, but it is lifeless. But since God is almighty and predestines all things, how can He be disobeyed?

God did not answer this question, but instead He asked those who ask this question a series of questions (Job 38:1 - 40:2). It started with "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. (Job 38:4 NLT)" and ended with "Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God's critic, but do you have the answers? (Job 40:2 NLT)"

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