Saturday, January 14, 2017

History According to Evolution

In the beginning (about 13.7 billion years ago) there was a big bang. The big bang begat matter and energy.

Now this is the generation of matter. Matter began as particles. Particles begat atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules begat stars. Stars begat planets and among them, the planet earth.

Now this is the generation of planet earth. Right conditions on earth allow molecules to begat DNA. DNA begat cells. Cells begat multi-cellular organisms, among them were apes. And apes begat humans and humans invented religion.

Now this is the generation of religion. At first humans are ignorant. There were many things in nature they did not understand and could not control. They were fearful and invented a new concept called god, which they believed were in control of those things. They worshipped these gods and brought them offerings, hoping that these gods would then return them some favors. However, as knowledge increase and power over the nature grew, these polytheistic gods became too small to be respected.

Then Pharaoh Akhenaten in Egypt invented monotheism by forcing every Egyptian to worship Aten. Moses learned monotheism from the Egyptians and made Yahweh Israel's only God. At first Yahweh was just a tribal God of Israel. As Israel's political fortune sunk, they compensated by making Yahweh bigger and bigger, until He became the creator of heavens and the earth. During the time of Babylonian exile, myths about the origins of Israel, filled with miracles, were written into the Old Testament. Then came Jesus and more myths and miracles were added and these were called the New Testament.

Now the White Europeans were more evolved than other humans. Their knowledge in science and technology increased greatly. Many mysteries were solved and they made the forces of nature their servants. They discovered evolution and the big bang and realized that God is not required for the creation and functioning of the universe. Everything can be explained by science. Thus atheism was invented. In future, as knowledge increases and the need for gods to explain mysteries decreases, monotheism and polytheism will become extinct, like the dinosaurs.

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. (Romans 1:21-23 NASB)

But the Bible tells us that it was monotheism that came first, then degenerated into polytheism and atheism. Evolution thrives in ignorance. As knowledge increase, evolution will become harder and harder to explain. Eventually, it will be proven scientifically that evolution is simply impossible and then it will become extinct, like abiogenesis.

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