Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Global Warming Will Go Away

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' (Isaiah 46:10 NIV)

The Bible is a book that recorded about 7000 years of human activities, giving us an account of the beginning and foretelling how everything will end. Around 6000 years had passed and another 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-4) are coming.

During that 1000 years, the condition of the Garden of Eden will be restored. Men will live out their full lifespan and any one who dies before 100 years old is considered accursed (Isaiah 65:20). The wolf and the lamb will feed together. The lion will eat grass like a cow. Snakes will no longer be poisonous and dust shall be its food (Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 65:25).

16-year-old Greta Thunberg is so worried about global warming because she does not believe in the Bible. But global warming will come, together with many bad things (wars, famine, pollution, water become undrinkable, earthquakes, meteorites) and will last for a short while. Then it will go away to make way for the glorious millennial reign of Christ.

Short note on vegetarian diet
I have a friend who always recommend the vegetarian diet. But I said I will be a vegetarian when lions eat grass like the cow. He thought I am trying to put an impossible condition so that I will never become a vegetarian. He does not know the Bible.

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