Saturday, September 7, 2019

Why Western Democracy Wins

Many attribute the success of America and Western Europe to democracy. Always remember this, it was Athenian democracy that put Socrates to death. So why did European democracy succeed where Athenian democracy failed? Why did science, and all the benefits of modern civilisation, come from Europe, and not the other ancient civilizations of China and India? Mr S Rajaratnam, the former foreign minister of Singapore attempted to answer this question but he gave the wrong answer. He attributed the failure of China and India to hubris, always looking to a past golden age, instead of looking forward. He attributed the success of Europe to the fact that they are looking forward to a future golden age.

The truth is it is not democracy that make Europe great. It is Christianity and its emphasis on truth that make Europe great. Democracy just provides the political infrastructure to propagate truth. So even a dictator who allows truth in his domain will prosper. In fact, during the millennium, Christ will rule the nations as a dictator with an iron rod (Revelation 19:15, Revelation 2:26-27).

Who is Christ? He said that He is "the Truth (John 14:6)". And truth is a dictator. You cannot disagree with truth. Truth always win. Even democracy loses to truth. If everybody in the world were to vote that cows have two heads, cows will still have one head.

Dictatorship and democracy are just political infrastructures. Success is dependant on recognising truth and allowing truth to has its way.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV)

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