Monday, March 26, 2012

Handling Naughty Son

Yesterday evening at church, sister Geok Ling told me that my mother was very sad because my son was naughty. I asked her what Mrs Wong did when her son was naughty to turn him around. She said, "She couldn't do anything, except to pray with tears." That sounds exactly as what one brother told me about what he did for his daughter. But I thought Mrs Wong herself should be able to give me more details. So I approached her and as usual, she replied in mandarin, "放下身段". I cannot remember the rest of the words she spoke in mandarin, but basically this is what she said, "Humble yourself before God and seek a close relationship with God by obeying Him so that you can hear His Words. Speak to your son humbly, not speaking from the top like his father, again to maintain the channel of communications open."

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