Monday, December 2, 2019

Politics From Biblical Perspective

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:3 NIV)

Those who support Israel will be blessed. Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy there and America became great again.

If this history were to be written in the Biblical style of Kings and Chronicles, maybe it may go something like this:
"President Donald Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and it greatly pleased the LORD. He then caused his enemies to be confused and they were unable to war against him. And he greatly prosper America."

But from a secular perspective (and even Biblical history has secular perspective if you care to dig), Donald Trump is a person who dared to act out of the box. Acting out of the box does not guarantee success. Donald Trump acted out of the box at an opportune moment.

Everyone said if the American embassy were to be moved to Jerusalem, Middle East will be on fire. But Donald Trump moved the embassy at a time when the Gulf Arab countries were facing a hostile Iran. They prefer not to anger America over Jerusalem.

Everyone said if there is a trade war with China, the whole world will suffer and there will be no winner. But Donald Trump launched the trade war with China at a time when Xi Jinping thought that China has become a great power and was demanding respect from everybody. Internally, he imposed Maoist Communist policies to consolidate his political power. Externally, he started throwing his weight around and bully the small nations, making China very unpopular. His Maoist economic policies began to worsen the already declining economy of China. His great power mindset made him react wrongly to the trade war.

The success of a country, company or a person is only because of ability, but also the inability of the competition. Microsoft can take over the personal computer OS because of IBM's inability. Apple iPhone can win the smart phone war because of Nokia's inability. Google's Android can take over the smart phone OS because of Microsoft's inability.

Donald Trump's out of the box actions succeed only when God made the eternal environment suitable for success.

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