Saturday, February 13, 2010

Religious Fault Lines

These are the most common fault lines of the major religions of Singapore:

Fault lines - Monotheistic versus Non-monotheistic
Monotheistic religions believe in one God who governs the universe and to whom we are responsible for our actions on Judgment Day. Monotheistic religions by definition are exclusive. If my God is real, then the other gods have to be false. Reincarnation is not true.

Fault lines within Monotheistic religions - Jews, Christians and Muslims
The Christians said, "Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) according to the Old Testament. Mohammed is a false prophet. The Koran is not true."
The Jews said, "The Messiah has not come. Jesus is not the Messiah. The New Testament is not true. Mohammed is a false prophet. The Koran is not true."
The Muslims said, "Mohammed is the last and greatest of the prophets. Jesus is one of the prophets. The Bible was corrupted by the Jews and Christians."

Non-monotheistic religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism are usually inclusive. They can welcome and absorp other gods and doctrines. They are seldom involved in religious wars.

The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act is therefore good for non-monotheistic religions because now they protected by the Act and cannot be criticised. But it will cause problem with the monotheistic religions because when the monotheistic religions explain their religions, they would have to explain their exclusivity, and that may involve criticism of other religions, monotheistic or non-monotheistic. If they cannot, then they cannot fully practise their religion and will build up tension and resentment. If Singapore wants to maintain religious harmony, the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act has to take into account the exclusive nature of the monotheistic religions and recognise the fault lines, or risk religious disharmony in the future.

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