Friday, February 26, 2010

William Borden - No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regret

The following article on William Borden was found on this website:
William Borden grew up as the heir to the Borden dairy industry. After graduating high school at the age of sixteen, Borden was sent on a trip to see the world. Instead of his business sense being sharpened, the Lord greatly worked in his heart. Though his friends doubted the Lord's working, Borden put that out of his mind and wrote a simple phrase in the back of his Bible, "No Reserves."
After Borden graduated from Yale, Borden found himself the recipient of several high-paying job offers, but still his vision increased and once again he penned a phrase in the back of his Bible, "No Retreat."
Borden, at his last graduation from Princeton Seminary, headed for China, only stopping to learn Arabic in Egypt. It was here that he contracted spinal meningitis. Within a month, at the age of twenty-five he had died. Just before his death, though, a final phrase was written on the back margins of his Bible, "No Regret."

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