Monday, April 23, 2012

Why Did God Save Us?

Why did God save us? I found a very comprehensive answer in this website:
A meditation on Ephesians 1:6,12,14 and 2:10

This question can be answered from a number of different perspectives. In Ephesians Paul teaches us that:
The initiating cause of our salvation is the will and purpose of God [1:5,9,11].
The motivating cause of our salvation is the love of God [1:4].
The necessitating cause of our salvation is our spiritual deadness and sin [2:1-5].
The enabling/facilitating cause of our salvation is the grace of God [1:6-8; 2:5-9].
The meritorious cause of our salvation is the blood of Christ [1:7].
The legal cause of our salvation is the imputed righteousness of Christ [1:4].
The effective cause of our salvation is the power of God [1:18-23].
The subjective cause of our salvation is hearing and understanding the message of Christ [1:9,13].
The instrumental cause of our salvation is faith [Ephesians 1:1,13; 2:8].
The locational cause of our salvation is union/identification with Jesus Christ [1:3,4,7,11; 2:5-6].
The resultative cause of our salvation is the praise and glory of God [1:6,12,14; 2:10].

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